Back in the Saddle
Catching up after a very busy week!
I’ve been pulling couch duty working on my books for almost two years, and I kind of forgot what it was like to have to show up at things! With pants on! (And makeup, let no one say Kim Alexander takes half measures.)
So last week I was off to NYC for the biggest book schmoozefest in North America, Book Expo. I got to meet Kellie, the boss of me, in person – and it was her birthday! And it was Cait Reynolds book launch day, and she and her magnificent rack owned the Javitz, I am proud to report. (Her book, Downcast, is killah and you should read it if you like smart, sensitive YA with hot immortals, and who among us does not?) I can’t tell you much other than that a certain amount of bourbon was drunk.
Then it was back to DC for Awesome Con, and it was a delight to have a great event so well attended in a place where I can not sleep in a hotel (I love hotels tho, ain’t gonna lie.) Lots of Fury Road cosplay. I interviewed James Frey and Jim Stephenson about the book/movie/game Endgame and I was a bit out of my league because the only game online I play is Fallen London (I’m Kalex, let’s solve a mystery together!) but they were very gracious and the panel was lively. Apparently, James feels like YA dystopian fiction misses the mark when it comes to graphic violence, so if you thought Hunger Games wasn’t murdery enough, Endgame is the book/game/movie for you.
Sunday I got to hang out with three new friends and great YA authors, Jodi Meadows (Orphan Queen) Cheryl Klam (Elusion) and Sara Raasch (Snow Like Ashes) and our panel, YA CHICKS KICK ASS reminded me of why I loved moderating panels to begin with. A very diverse and informed crowd asking interesting questions, and to the young lady who asked when the time was right to start writing, get yourself a notebook and start scribbling down ideas! The time is always right! I also learned; never go to Albany, and put the cliffhanger back in. It was all around informative.
This week the Fictionistas are talking about strength and weakness in our own work, so tomorrow I’ll be attempting to answer the question “So, what’s your book about?” which has stopped me cold despite the fact that I’ve been living with these characters for over two years.
Since we’re talking about Cons today, our Boy of the Day comes to us courtesy of San Diego Comic Con. Prometheus is seen posing here with my good friend Mark Says Hi!