Happy New Year; well, a new year.
I mean, 2017 was a lot, right? Every day was an unbridled steaming shovelful of fuckery, with the Worst People doing a conga line of the Wrong Things. Now, our day looks like this:...
I mean, 2017 was a lot, right? Every day was an unbridled steaming shovelful of fuckery, with the Worst People doing a conga line of the Wrong Things. Now, our day looks like this:...
Goodreads Book Giveaway The Heron Prince by Kim Alexander Released September 20 2016 Giveaway ends in 7 days (October 07, 2016) 5 copies available, 116 people requesting giveaway details » Enter Giveaway
Catching up after a very busy week! I’ve been pulling couch duty working on my books for almost two years, and I kind of forgot what it was like to have to show up...
It’s a big week here at Alexander Industries! I’m off to BEA (that’s Book Expo America, you peasant) on Thursday to meet n greet n drink with my fellow Booktropians Kellie Sheridan (the boss...
I finally found something with all the fun of math, the spontaneity of chess, and the ease and the social cache of the Debate Club. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you board games! The...