Category: authors

’til the moons fall 0

’til the moons fall

I’ve talked about the inspiration for The Demon Door series elsewhere–an image of two unusual young people sitting at a campfire, and I’ve talked about the circumstances–getting fired and suddenly having the time and...


Bringing My Books to the Masses

Yes, I’m now bringing my books to the masses! (I’ve met some of you and it’s more like messes, amirite?) ANYWAY My books are now available on ANY ebook reader! Join my experiment to see...


The Glass Girl has a cover!

First of all, there’s this: “Kim Alexander’s The Sand Prince is a thrill ride of fantastical proportion. Can hardly wait for the next wild installment.”  David Baldacci, New York Times and Internationally Best Selling...


Smithsonian Secrets

You may have heard it said that the Smithsonian is the nation’s attic. Did you know it’s also the nation’s bookshelf? It’s true! Each museum has its own library, and you–yes YOU–can visit and...