Holiday Cats Recreating Scenes From My Book
Happy Holidays!
The big question around my house involves egg nog: bourbon or rum? The rebel forces (my stepkids) insist on Kahlua but that’s crazy talk. Everyone knows it’s bourbon or leave it in the fridge.
Anyway, as the year draws to a close, I want to give you all the gift of Leeloo and Onion in one more peformance piece based on my novel, THE SAND PRINCE (now available, makes a great gift, long books are perfect for travel, a story about two families guaranteed to be more screwed up than your own, give the gift of a book, etc.) Now, my book can hardly be described as a romance novel, but that does not mean there’s not a love story in there. There are several! In this short film, Leeloo plays the young, impulsive Lelet, who finally can’t resist and lays a smooch on the extremely cute but deeply anxious Rhuun. I give you the inevitable kissing scene.
“He held quite still, he was waiting for her. She wound her arms around his neck and her mouth found his. For a long moment, he held perfectly still, not breathing, just waiting. She could feel the heat slowly rise as he relaxed into her arms. His lips were as soft as she’d hoped, he felt like silk and fire.”
-The Sand Prince by Kim Alexander (Booktrope)
You’ll notice Onion has chosen to perform this scene with what might read as aloofness, even disinterest. That’s his decision and I respect it. I was however forced to edit out the next few moments which veered wildly off-script, as I did not write Lelet smacking Rhuun in the face with her paw and then hiding under the bed.
So happy holidays to all! May your reviews all be no less than 4 stars and your water dish be eternally full. See you next year with more My Book as Performed by My Cats.
Good of you to share!
Would you be ok if I translated a small portion of this post in my Dutch blog? I’d give you all due credit for it of course.
I don’t see why not! Please do give me a shout if/when it posts. Thanks!