Everyone Needs a Chum!
I had a great time with the delightful Robert ‘Sharky’ Pruneda last week.
One of the things I always wondered (in my former incarnation as a broadcaster) was: what it would be like if someone were to interview me? The authors I talked with–and there were hundreds, from newbies with their first book still damp from the press in their trembling little hands, to folks like Margaret Atwood and David Baldacci (my hands did the trembling) always had an answer. I wasn’t in it to try and catch anyone off guard–I never claimed to be a groundbreaking journalist, far from it. But no matter what I asked, the authors had obviously (almost) always given it a great deal of thought. If I could get someone to say, ‘I never thought of it that way before’ I felt like I’d really accomplished something. (It did not happen often!) (Okay, I’ll spill. I asked China Mieville why so many of his characters had problems with their wings.)
Now I know why. By the time the book you’ve written is in the hands of a reviewer, you’ve spent years thinking of little else. Either I was writing about Rhuun and Lelet et al, or thinking about them, or planning what I was going to do to them, or have them do to each other. (Not like that…okay, sometimes like that.) The interviewer might as well be asking about events from my own life. In fact, since I have a crap memory, I’d probably do better on a Sand Prince pop quiz than a Kim Alexander pop quiz.
If you’d like to win a signed copy of THE SAND PRINCE for your very own, read the interview and you’ll see how to make it happen.