Awesome Con and BEA!
It’s a big week here at Alexander Industries! I’m off to BEA (that’s Book Expo America, you peasant) on Thursday to meet n greet n drink with my fellow Booktropians Kellie Sheridan (the boss of me) and Cait Reynolds (queen of the universe.) It’s Cait’s booklaunch week and that fills me with jealous rage I couldn’t be happier for her! Cait’s novel, Downcast, is a delicous YA paranormal romance that finally answers (to my satisfaction) the question of why these immortal, godlike (or literally gods) creatures would bother hanging around high schools all the damn time. It makes sense if the one thing you want more than your own precious eternal self is enrolled there. And to the immortal half of this duo, it isn’t eyes-met-across-a-sweaty-cafeteria, it’s eon spanning and has consequence and weight. The only thing I can’t forgive Cait for is her utter accuracy in recreating the hellscape that is high school. Also, more Helen in the sequel, please and thank you.
So mazel tov Cait and the first round is on me!
No sooner do I get back home to DC on Friday than I’m off to Awesome Con, which takes place this weekend right in my own backyard! I’m delighted to announce I’ll be moderating a panel on Friday – I’ll let the Awesome Con folks tell you what it’s about:
International bestselling author James Frey and leader of Google’s Niantic Labs John Hanke present ENDGAME, the immersive media project that is a bestselling YA novel, an augmented-reality game, and a soon-to-be major motion picture produced by 20th Century Fox. Get a sneak peek at the game and fun ENDGAME swag!
That’s Friday in Room 152 at 5:30.
But wait! There’s more! On Sunday, I’ll be moderating CHICKS KICK ASS with YA authors Jodi Meadows, Cheryl Klam, and Sara Raasch, and we’ll talk about their fabulous novels, their glorious heroines and why YA women generally are the best. That’s Sunday at 1pm in Room 145-A.
AwesomeCon is fairly new to the Con scene but the organizers have put together a stellar lineup, and I can’t wait! If you see me wandering around, come say hello!