Category: movies

Heroes and villains 0

Heroes and villains

The topic at hand this week is to do with heroes and villains, and what literary bad boys and girls we in the Fictionistas can’t do without. Before I get into that, yes, I...

Awesome Con and BEA! 0

Awesome Con and BEA!

It’s a big week here at Alexander Industries! I’m off to BEA (that’s Book Expo America, you peasant) on Thursday to meet n greet n drink with my fellow Booktropians Kellie Sheridan (the boss...



Tomorrow, the subject of my Fictionista vlog post will be ‘Inspiration.’ Today, my colleague K.N. Lee talked at some length about finding joy and solace and writing space in the music she loves, and she...

Rose Tint My World 0

Rose Tint My World

I don’t remember the first time I saw The Rocky Horror Picture Show at a midnight screening, but I sure remember the last time. It was close to the end of the 1990s.  The...