There Will Never Be Another You

There Will Never Be Another You

by Carolyn See

I’m Kim Alexander and this is a Fiction Nation minute. The book is There Will Never be Another You by Carolyn See.

This is not a cheerful toe-tapper, this book. In fact, it’s really sad. Why should you read something so tragic? For the same reason you go to weepy movies, because it’s a valid part of being a person. This is the story of several seemingly unconnected families living in California in a near future age of creeping dread and paranoia. Edith has just buried her second husband, and worries about her sad sack son, dermatologist Phil, who is married to the hideous Felicia. Phil just got into a rapid response biohazard unit at his hospital, although no one knows where the threat will come from, if any, or why. Everything in There Will Never Be Another You has to fall apart for everyone before things can start to come back together in a moving and even hopeful ending. There Will Never be Another You by Carolyn See. I’m Kim Alexander and this is Fiction Nation on Book Radio, SiriusXM Channel 80.

I’m Kim Alexander and this is a Fiction Nation minute. The book is There Will Never be Another You by Carolyn See.

Ms. See takes on all our modern fears — terrorism, infidelity, an unfulfilled life, monstrous children — and turns these terrors into very personal stories that only seem unconnected. We have to ask ourselves, which grief is greater: losing a spouse or losing a building? In There Will Never be Another You, they both hit like a brick. The author follows widowed Edith, who volunteers at the ICU ward and her unhappy son Phil, who has the distinction of having maybe the worst family since the Mansons. What do they all have in common? Why doesn’t anyone talk to anyone else?  Is it easier to obsess over terror attacks that may never come than talk to your son? I found myself hoping for the best for these beautifully drawn characters — except for Phil’s awful wife — and watching Ms. See bring all the plots together was a thing of beauty. There Will Never Be Another You by Carolyn See. I’m Kim Alexander and this is Fiction Nation on Book Radio, SiriusXM Channel 80.

I’m Kim Alexander and this is a Fiction Nation minute. The book is There Will Never be Another You by Carolyn See.

What are you more afraid of, a terror attack or an unfaithful spouse? Illness or an ungrateful child? And how do you react when everything goes wrong at once? Edith has just been widowed again, and she reacts by volunteering at the ICU ward where her son works as a doctor. Her son reacts by drinking a little more than he should and retreating into silence. His wife reacts by wanting more of everything, maybe even another baby, and their son reacts by nearly killing a man over a parking space. We like to think we would wear our grief with grace, but how to know? In There Will Never Be Another You, threats are everywhere, and the low level fear slowly grows until these characters either choke on it or learn to live with each other and rise above it. There Will Never Be Another You by Carolyn See. I’m Kim Alexander and this is Fiction Nation on Book Radio, SiriusXM Channel 80.

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