How the Lox Doth Lie
I know I keep referencing my long, grim years in the radio mines, but you use what you know. The topic this week is deleted scenes. In radio, there are no such thing. I...
authors / cats / fantasy / Uncategorized
by Kim Alexander · Published June 15, 2016 · Last modified June 17, 2016
I know I keep referencing my long, grim years in the radio mines, but you use what you know. The topic this week is deleted scenes. In radio, there are no such thing. I...
You know what’s easy? Writing a 400 page novel. Hell, it’s such a piece of cake I’ve done it twice! Haha! Creating characters, putting clothes on them, making them interact and eat and drink...
authors / cats / Uncategorized
by Kim Alexander · Published July 2, 2015 · Last modified July 3, 2015
My Fictionista vlog went up yesterday – if you missed it, enjoy: This 3 minute video took me two days to finish because Windows Moviemaker is THE DEVIL. I should also mention I have...
Rather than actually writing the unfinished chapters in the second book in my series, I am in fact poring over words and revising and editing what’s already there. I’ve been alerted to the fact (thank...